Fe gymerth Iesu blaid

(Iesu yn blaid)
Fe gymerth Iesu blaid,
  Trueiniaid trist; 
Ysigodd ben y ddraig;
  Ein craig yw Crist;
Cawn ninau fod yn bur,
  Uwch cur a phechod cas,
Yn berffaith ar ei wedd:
  O ryfedd ras!

Boed i ni gael mwynhau,
  Hyd angeu du,
O'th iachawdwriaeth rad,
  A'r cariad cu:
Can's dyma'r hyfryd win,
  I flin o beraidd flas,
Maddeuant pur a hedd,
  O ryfedd ras!

Ni pheryr anial maith,
  Fy nhaith yn hir,
Caf fyned yn y man,
  I'r Ganaan dir:
Fe geidw Iesu ei saint,
  Er cymaint llid eu cas,
Fe goncra'r gelyn llym,
  Trwy rym ei ras.

Fe genir cyn bo hir,
  Yn hir ei glod,
Rhyfeddu'r cariad fydd,
  Y dydd sy'n d'od:
Dadseinier, iddo Ef,
  Yn lān gan nefol lu,
Mynegant rinwedd gwaed,
  Eu Ceidwad cu.
  1 : Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845
2-4: Hymnau a Salmau 1840

[Mesur: 6464D]

  Boed clod i'n Prynwr rhad
  Boed imi gael mwynhau
  Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn
  Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef
  Gogwyddodd Crist ei ben
  Ni allodd angau du
  Ni phery anial maith

(Jesus on our side)
Jesus takes the side
  Of sad wretches;
He crushed the head of the dragon;
  Our rock Christ is;
We may get to be pure
  Above wounding and detestable sin,
Perfect after his countenance:
  O wonderful grace!

May we get to enjoy,
  Until black death,
From thy gracious salvation,
  The the dear love:
Since here is the delightful wine,
  To a weary one, of a sweet taste,
Pure forgiveness and peace,
  O wonderful grace!

The vast desert of my journey
  Shall not endure for long,
I shall get to go soon
  To the land of Canaan:
Jesus shall keep his saints,
  Despite how great their enemy's wrath,
I shall the keen enemy,
  Through the power of his grace.

Before long shall be sung
  For a long time his praise,
Wondering at the love that shall be,
  On the day that is coming:
Unto him shall be sounded
  Holy by a heavenly host,
An expression of the merit of the blood,
  Of their dear Saviour.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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